It's November. For those of us who live anywhere that is not a perpetually sunny, shiny and toasty clime, November just sucks. It's dreary and cold and damp.
What better way to get you through those reclusive months ahead than to participate in Learning to Love You More 'Assignments'?!
Now I know that there are some of you who will eyeroll at this concept. "Oh, how arty" you might snicker. But do yourself a favour. If you don't feel inclined to participate. If you choose to poo-poo the whole thing outright -- at least check out the site and peruse the assignment submissions posted there.
That is your assignment.
If you don't crack a smile at least once... well... What's WRONG with you?!!
(The photo above was taken from Assignment #30: Take a Picture of Strangers Holding Hands. Some of my other favourite assignments include: Draw the News, Draw a Picture of Your Friend's Friend, Draw a Scene From A Movie That Made You Cry, Repair Something).
Toronto's own cutest-ever writer & artist Emily Holton has even contributed to LTLYM -- with her 'For Immediate Release: Emily Holton Eats Too Much Pineapple And Lies Awake, Imagining Heartbreak' response to Assignment #60: Write A Press Release About An Everyday Event. And as I plug Emily here, I realize that I have completely missed the Toronto launch event of her latest work: Dear Canada Council/Our Starland -- which took place tonight at the Gladstone Hotel Ballroom! I'm guessing that almost midnight is pretty much too late to catch a literary event (collar pull).
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