Wednesday, November 26, 2008

ABC3D :: might be the single most beautiful book you will ever own

My friend Karen pointed me towards, what might be the only book you should ever own. I will let her describe her experience for you.

"I bought one of the most beautiful kid books I've ever seen while in NYC. It's called ABC3D and it's a pop up alphabet book - all in black, red and white like a constructivist manifesto or something. Each letter is 3D, constructed out of paper. And the cover is a lenticular that alternates between a, b, c and d. For about five minutes I pretended that I was actually going to give it to my goddaughter but then I admitted to myself there's no way I'm giving it up."

Go buy it. Now. ABC3D by Marion Bataille

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the tip guys, just bought this for Ruby.