So what offenses have these very cute animals committed you ask? Well, Camels are “played out.” Ponies “try too hard,” dolphins are “smug little shits,” and that “duck-billed asshole,” the platypus, is so weird that people can’t even agree on the plural form of its name. (“That’s because if you see two of these animals[?] together, the fabric of space and time will literally tear apart.”)
And the write up for the kangaroo above cracked me up: "Oh, I get it, Kangaroo. You're just hanging out, right? I bet if I asked you what you were doing, you would probably say you were "chillaxin'" or something. You probably think you look pretty cool, but I know better, Kangaroo, because YOU ARE AS A HIGH AS A KITE RIGHT NOW."
Funny stuff, for a slow afternoon.
via veryshortlist
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