Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Monday, December 22, 2008
Monopoly Repackaging Redesign

via cityofskies
Housepaint - Phase 2: Shelter
My friend Jeff pointed me towards this exhibition. Check it out. It's your duty!
From the ROM website "The Institute for Contemporary Culture presents Housepaint, the first exhibition on the subject of street art in a major Canadian museum. Drawing attention to issues of poverty and homelessness, this ground-breaking exhibition is a collaboration between ten street artists in memory of the former residents of Tent City. Each artist has painted a colourful canvas house in their personal, exuberant style. In addition, five artists will respond to the previous installations by creating an original new work in the gallery over the course of the exhibition.
Tent City, a shanty town that stood on five acres of undeveloped land on the shores of Lake Ontario, spontaneously arose in the late 1990s. Its residents were evicted without warning in 2002.
Curated by Devon Ostrom of them.ca, Housepaint will be on display until July 2009, at which point the canvas houses will be auctioned, with proceeds going to Habitat for Humanity.
For more information, updates on the exhibition, to register for the auction, or to add your own comments, please visit www.housepaint.ca"
Now open at the ROM until July 5, 2009 at the Institute for Contemporary Culture
Roloff Beny Gallery, Level 4 of the ROM in Toronto.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Favorite Albums of 2008 : Tobacco - Fucked Up Friends

Anyone that enjoys hypnotic and detached electronica will love this album. Bring it to your next house party.
Dirt (Featuring Aesop Rock)
Backwoods Altar
Grease Wizard
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Just say no to kangaroos

So what offenses have these very cute animals committed you ask? Well, Camels are “played out.” Ponies “try too hard,” dolphins are “smug little shits,” and that “duck-billed asshole,” the platypus, is so weird that people can’t even agree on the plural form of its name. (“That’s because if you see two of these animals[?] together, the fabric of space and time will literally tear apart.”)
And the write up for the kangaroo above cracked me up: "Oh, I get it, Kangaroo. You're just hanging out, right? I bet if I asked you what you were doing, you would probably say you were "chillaxin'" or something. You probably think you look pretty cool, but I know better, Kangaroo, because YOU ARE AS A HIGH AS A KITE RIGHT NOW."
Funny stuff, for a slow afternoon.
via veryshortlist
Monday, December 15, 2008
First-Person Shoe-Ter?
Okay, okay -- so I copped this off of Best Week Ever. And it is much more serious when you replace the animated cat with the pair of shoes that was actually lobbed at the Don't Let the Door Hit You on the Ass On Your Way Out President of the United States of America. But I just had to share.
I've also stolen NYC comedian/producer/show host/blogger Jon Friedman's comments on the ordeal (which I am having quite the giggle over):
Questions That I Have for the Secret Service
(Jon Friedman, 23/6)
1. Shouldn't you have jumped in front of that shoe?
2. Shouldn't you have jumped in front of that second shoe?
3. Second shoe = the one thrown after being removed from foot after first shoe was thrown.
4. Let's say people had three feet. Would you have allowed a third shoe to fly unimpeded?
5. While the shoe was in the air, were you like, "Oh, its just a shoe."
6. Same question about the second shoe.
7. Do you think this is funny, "Throw a shoe at me once, shame on--you. Throw a shoe--you throw a shoe, you can't throw a shoe again."
8. Is there not "protection training" for lunatics launching objects?
9. Let's say there isn't training for that--but do they tell you that if someone does throw (or shoot) something to be on the alert in case they want to repeat this behavior?
10. Where were you?
BONUS QUESTION: Do you think the Iraqis want us there? (Hint: their journalists are throwing their shoes at Bush)