Wednesday, November 26, 2008

ABC3D :: might be the single most beautiful book you will ever own

My friend Karen pointed me towards, what might be the only book you should ever own. I will let her describe her experience for you.

"I bought one of the most beautiful kid books I've ever seen while in NYC. It's called ABC3D and it's a pop up alphabet book - all in black, red and white like a constructivist manifesto or something. Each letter is 3D, constructed out of paper. And the cover is a lenticular that alternates between a, b, c and d. For about five minutes I pretended that I was actually going to give it to my goddaughter but then I admitted to myself there's no way I'm giving it up."

Go buy it. Now. ABC3D by Marion Bataille

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

It's about time...It's about change? We will have to see.

Here is your cheat sheet to see what the past 12 presidents have done in their first 100 days in office. From FDR to GWB, tract the good and bad decisions that came out of these first few important months.

President-elect Obama speaks about change. Let's see if he can instill that message into his first 100 days in office. Stay tuned.

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The Preservation of Fleeting Moments by Adrienne Deboer

The work of South Dakota based photographer Adrienne Deboer will make you smile and yearn for your childhood days long gone by. She is a rare photographer who has the keen sensibility to capture the disconnection bewtween childhood and adulthood that alot of us seem to miss.

Adrienne Deboer is definitely one to watch for.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Learning to Love You More... November

Honestly -- Boxcar & I do have other resources -- other than wacky kid Miranda July's various and sundry projects, websites, books, etc. etc.! I just couldn't resist here...

It's November. For those of us who live anywhere that is not a perpetually sunny, shiny and toasty clime, November just sucks. It's dreary and cold and damp.

What better way to get you through those reclusive months ahead than to participate in Learning to Love You More 'Assignments'?!

Now I know that there are some of you who will eyeroll at this concept. "Oh, how arty" you might snicker. But do yourself a favour. If you don't feel inclined to participate. If you choose to poo-poo the whole thing outright -- at least check out the site and peruse the assignment submissions posted there.

That is your assignment.

If you don't crack a smile at least once... well... What's WRONG with you?!!

(The photo above was taken from Assignment #30: Take a Picture of Strangers Holding Hands. Some of my other favourite assignments include: Draw the News, Draw a Picture of Your Friend's Friend, Draw a Scene From A Movie That Made You Cry, Repair Something).

Toronto's own cutest-ever writer & artist Emily Holton has even contributed to LTLYM -- with her 'For Immediate Release: Emily Holton Eats Too Much Pineapple And Lies Awake, Imagining Heartbreak' response to Assignment #60: Write A Press Release About An Everyday Event. And as I plug Emily here, I realize that I have completely missed the Toronto launch event of her latest work: Dear Canada Council/Our Starland -- which took place tonight at the Gladstone Hotel Ballroom! I'm guessing that almost midnight is pretty much too late to catch a literary event (collar pull).

“The Drawing Room” Curated by Audrey Kawasaki

If you find yourself on the West Coast this month, head over to ThinkSpace Gallery in Los Angeles, CA. Renowned artist Audrey Kawasaki has gathered together some of her friends to curate her first exhibition. “The Drawing Room,” and consists of Stella Im Hultberg, Amy Sol, Kukula, Brandi Milne, Brian Viveros, Catherine Brooks, Mari Inukai, Nomi Chi, Lauren Albert, Jessica McCourt, Julia Sonmi Heglund, Eveline Tarunadjaja, Meg Hunt, Irana Douer, Catherine Campbell, Lilly Piri, Amy Earles, Eric Thomas Bostrom, Joao Ruas, Laura Laine, Jason Levesque aka Stuntkid, Fumi Nakamura, Travis Louie, and Liza Corbett.

The show is up til November 29.

So many of my favorite artists in one room, I'm wishing I was in the position to jet over there this week! But alas I am not, so I've highlighted a few of the artists I wish I was able to see (why does it seem the most interesting art shows are not happening in Toronto)

and of course who could forget Audrey Kawasaki herself. One day I'd love to be able to afford one of her pieces for my walls.

Friday, November 7, 2008

A great movie you may have missed :: Billy the Kid

Jennifer Venditti’s documentary "Billy the Kid", is a surprising treat. The film follows a 15-year old boy, Billy, as he struggles with being a teenager, first loves and battling his own personal demons in small town USA. Shockingly self-aware, Billy tries his best to make sense of the world he inhabits. Anyone who has felt like an outsider during high-school, or like they never belonged in this world, will empathize with Billy.

The DVD is loaded with some great extras. A mini-doc "
Pieces That Don't Fit" contains lots of extra footage and a follow-up with the present day Billy. This is just as watchable as the main feature. And for all you Miranda July fans out there, she has an essay that's included. And to not be outdone, Ryan Gosling makes an appearance with the director, on the audio-commentary.

I can't recommend this movie enough. A rare gem of film making like this only comes out once in a blue moon. A must-own!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Now that it has been decided ...

... it's up to Obama to put his money where his mouth is and actually change America for the better.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Artist to watch for - Chiharu Shiota

Like an infestation of spiders, Japanese-born/Berlin-based artist Chiharu Shiota wraps black objects from floor to ceiling in miles of black wool. I've only seen her work in magazines and on the web. I'm sure these installations are even more stunning and awe-inspiring in person. Shiota shows primarily in Japan and Germany. Let's hope she makes it over to North America some time soon.